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Decent Work


4:30 pm

Article 7 International Covenant on Economic, Social, Cultural Rights guarantees “the right of everyone to the enjoyment of just and favourable conditions of work, in particular the right to safe working conditions” Further, Paragraph 7 of the General Comment 18 from the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights highlights the main components of decent work as one that: 1). Respects the fundamental rights of the human person as well as the rights of workers in terms of conditions of work safety and remuneration; 2). Provides an income allowing workers to support themselves and their families; 3). Respect the physical and mental integrity of the worker in the exercise of his/her employment.


Decent work for health workers’, who are an essential component of health systems, are crucial in achieving the right to health. There is an estimated shortage of over 18 million additional health workers by 2030 to meet the health workforce requirements of the Sustainable Development Goals and universal health coverage targets. We cannot hope to increase access to health workers without ensuring a basic minimum in safety and working conditions globally.


Some of the areas that require attention are sufficiency and payment of wages, work schedules, recruitment practices, role optimization, freedom of assembly, safety guidelines including personal protective equipment, freedom from discrimination, abuse and violence, accountability mechanisms and whistleblower protections.



10:00 am

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Health & Human Rights Mechanisms


11:30 am

Tell people more about the services you offer. Use this repeating layout to display content. It's an easy way to keep your customers up to date with what's happening. Want to make this content your own? Simple drag and drop elements like text, images and links, or connect to data from your collection. Tell people more about the services you offer. Use this repeating layout to display content. It's an easy way to keep your customers up to date with what's happening. Want to make this content your own? Simply drag and drop elements.


Tell people more about the services you offer. Use this repeating layout to display content. It's an easy way to keep your customers up to date with what's happening. Want to make this content your own? Simple drag and drop elements like text, images and links, or connect to data from your collection. Tell people more about the services you offer. Use this repeating layout to display content. It's an easy way to keep your customers up to date with what's happening. Want to make this content your own? Simply drag and drop elements.

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